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Information for Students

Student Code of Behaviour


The Student Code of Behaviour requires the following rights and expectation to be respected and adhered to at all times.

  • The right to be treated with respect from others, to be treated fairly and without discrimination, regardless of religious, cultural, racial and sexual differences, age, disability or socio-economic status;

  • The right to be free from all forms of intimidation;

  • The right to work in a safe, clean, orderly and cooperative environment;

  • The right to have personal property (including computer files and student work) and the Institute's property protected from damage or other misuse;

  • The right to have any disputes settled in a fair and rational manner (this is accomplished by the Complaints and Appeals Procedure);

  • The right to work and learn in a supportive environment without interference from others;

  • The right to express and share ideas and to ask questions;

  • The right to be treated with politeness and courteously at all times;

  • The expectation that students will not engage in copyright breaches, cheating or plagiarism;

  • The expectation that students will submit work when required;

  • The expectation that students will at all times meet the requirements, terms and conditions contained in the Student application and enrolment form including payment of fees.

  • The expectation that students will attend all required classes and assessment as part of the requirement to progress through the course satisfactorily and complete the course in within the time frame notified in the Student application and enrolment form.

  • There are consequences for non-compliance with the Student Code of Behaviour. These are detailed in the student behaviour procedure.


Access and equity operating principles


International Institute of Planning and Management

  • Aims to ensure that access to employment and training is available, regardless of gender, socioeconomic background, disability, ethnic origin, age or race;

  • Training services are delivered in a non-discriminatory, open and respectful manner;

  • Staff are appropriately skilled in access and equity issues, including cultural awareness and sensitivity to the requirements of clients with special needs;

  • Facilities are updated to provide reasonable access to clients of all levels of mobility, and physical and intellectual capacity within the limitations of the facilities currently available. Students who have specific access requirements that cannot be met will be advised to identify another provider that meets their access requirements;

  • Conduct client selection for training opportunities in a manner that includes and reflects the diverse client population;

  • Actively encourages the attendance of clients from traditionally disadvantaged groups and specifically offers assistance to those most disadvantaged;

  • Provides culturally inclusive language, literacy and numeracy advice and assistance that assists clients in meeting personal training goals;

  • Is accountable for its performance in adhering to the principles of this policy, and welcomes feedback as part of its quality improvement system;

  • Staff and students are required to comply with access and equity requirements at all times.


If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our performance with respect to access and equity, or if you would like further information on anything included in this policy, please contact the Administration Manager on: 03 9889 8866.



Information for Students
Course assessment

A number of approaches to course assessment are used by IIPM's staff.  Assessment approaches may include: observation of performance in class, workshops; case studies; projects; assignments; presentations; role plays; written tests and exams.

Students will be given advance warning of the time and form of any assessment and will not be expected to sit an assessment they have not prepared for.

Students are entitled to a maximum of two assessment attempts for each unit.

If after two assessment attempts students competence is “not yet competent” they will be required to repeat the unit and pay any fees associated with repeating the unit.

Not attending for a scheduled assessment will be counted as one assessment attempt for each occurrence unless:

         a)    the student can provide a certificate from a registered medical practitioner indicating that the student was medically                           unable to attend the assessment; or

         b)    the student can provide independent evidence of exceptional compassionate circumstances beyond the students control,                     such as serious illness or death of a close family member to explain the non-attendance at the assessment.


Course delivery

A number of approaches to course delivery are used by IIPM staff.  Course delivery approaches may include teacher led classroom delivery; workshops; seminars; tutorials and supervised study.  During class time students will be expected to participate by, for example, answering questions, giving opinions, demonstrating tasks, working with others in groups, making presentations and role playing situations.

As a result of COVID-19 pandemic, we have found that our campus at Level 4, 382 Londsdale Street Melbourne 3000 is not a good fit to accommodate our current studying students to continue face-to-face learning due to the size of the campus, which is not feasible to have an appropriate social distancing and comply with other COVID-19 safe practices. 
Hence, we are in transition of moving into new campus at Level 5, 440 Elizabeth Street Melbourne 3000, and in the meantime, we are conducting all the studies online temporarily since the shift in the beginning of the pandemic. 
If you have any questions regarding online course delivery please contact us at or

Credit transfer

Credit transfer applies to situation where students have completed units identical to those they are currently enrolled for at another provider.  Credit will be granted in accordance with the Credit Transfer procedure.  To apply for credit transfer students must complete the credit transfer application form and attach copies of verified documents to support the application.  There is no reduction in tuition fees if Credit Transfer is applied for or granted.



Graduates of IIPM may seek credits to the relevant degree programs in Australian Universities.  IIPM has no special arrangements with any Australian University and there is no guaranteed entry into University programs.  As a general rule students with high marks will have the best chance of being accepted by a University.


Qualifications to be issued

Students completing all assessment requirements for a qualification will be awarded a certificate corresponding to the completed course. Students completing assessment requirements for part of a qualification will be awarded a Statement of Attainment indicating which modules or units of competency they have completed.

Students are entitled, at no additional cost, to a formal Statement of Attainment on withdrawal, cancellation or transfer, prior to completing the qualification, provided the student has paid in full for the tuition related to the units of competency to be shown on the Statement of Attainment.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Prior to commencement of the course, an examination of each learner’s previous education, training and work experience will be conducted in order to determine if there is a need to recognise existing competencies through recognition of prior learning and / or credit transfer and to adjust the delivery time, assessment process delivery materials and delivery procedure to suit their current skills and knowledge. See enrolment process and policy & procedures manual for further details. Students will be assisted to identify if this training product will achieve the career goals that they seek to satisfy and the goals of IIPM.

IIPM has a simple but methodical RPL process that is outlined in detail in the Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer.

Students who have been assessed as competent in one or more units by another RTO may request to have those units credited to their IIPM training product, providing that they satisfy the Training Package rules.

Students are encouraged to apply for RPL prior to or immediately after formal enrolment but prior to the facilitated delivery of units to ensure that they do not miss any learning opportunities offered should they be unsuccessful in the RPL process. Students are given an individual strategy document showing the units they need to complete and methods for undertaking learning and assessment in those units.

Student Visa Obligations
Overseas Student Health Cover

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a health insurance that covers the cost of medical and hospital care, which international students must have while in Australia for the duration of their course of study. OSHC will also pay for most prescription drugs and emergency ambulance transport. The OSHC premium cover must be paid before a student visa is issued. IIPM can organise cover for you if you wish. Contact our Student Services on 03 9995 6821.

You can find out more about OSHC at and

Full Time Study

Australian law requires international students to study a full time study load. A full-time study load is normally a minimum of 20 hours per week of face-to-face contact for at least 42 weeks each calendar year or continuous 12-month period.


International students studying VET courses are expected to attend scheduled classes as per the timetable provided to you by IIPM. International students will be reported to Department of Home Affairs if they do not actively pursue their courses and maintain the attendance and assessment submissions as required by the Institute. Reporting a student to Department of Home Affairs likely to result in the cancellation of the student’s CoE.

Academic Progress

If students do not make satisfactory academic progress they may be reported to Department of Home Affairs which may lead to cancellation of their visa. Unsatisfactory academic progress is defined as failing more than 50% of units in a study period. A failure in more than 50% of units in a study period will trigger a review of academic progress by the School and the implementation of an intervention strategy. Failing a unit means being assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent (NYC)’ for a completed unit.

In order to have the best chance of maintaining satisfactory progress you must:

  • Attend all theory and practical classes and pay attention to the work and activities undertaken in class;

  • Study the theory and practice the skills that are taught in class;

  • Ensure that you are present for all assessment activities scheduled by the trainers;

  • Make an appointment with the Student Support Officer or Training Manager if you are having any difficulties with your studies.

    In addition to the above minimum requirement, the School will implement counselling procedures and an intervention strategy when you think you may be in danger of not meeting the requirements.

  • Counselling and intervention may be triggered by any of the following events:

    • Failing key units in a study period
    • Failing two or more core units in a study period. 
    If students fail to meet the requirements of satisfactory course progress, they will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs. 

  • Refer to Student Progression and At Risk Student Policy and Procedure



Student Support, Welfare and Behaviour


Complaints and appeals procedure

IIPM has a complaints and appeals procedure to provide students with a fair and equitable process for resolving any complaints or appeals they may have. The complaints and appeals procedure includes a requirement that an independent mediator will be appointed if the student is dissatisfied with the process undertaken by the Institute. If you have a complaint or appeal you should take the following steps:

  •        Contact IIPM's Administration Coordinator to obtain a copy of the complaints and appeals procedure and the application                     form, or click here.

  •        Complete the application form and lodge it with the Administration Coordinator.

  •        Follow up with the Administration Coordinator.


International Institute of Planning and Management Contact

Contact IIPM's Administrator for assistance if you have any difficulties with your course, study requirements or assessment:

Phone:  03 9889 8866





Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism is a form of cheating.  It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own.  Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a students’ exclusion from a unit or a course.  When students have any doubts about including the work of other authors in their assessments, they must consult with their trainer to discuss the matter.  The following list outlines some of the activities for which a student can be suspected of plagiarism or cheating:

  • Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

  • Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student.

  • Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.

  • Allowing another student to copy your work.


Handing up assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet. Legitimate cooperation between students on assignments is encouraged, since it can be a real aid to understanding.  It is legitimate for students to discuss assignment questions at a general level, provided everybody involved makes some contribution. However, students must produce their own individual written solutions.  Copying someone else’s work is plagiarism and is unacceptable.



Fees and Refund Arrangements


Payment schedule

The fees applicable to each course and category of student and fee payment schedules are detailed in the applicable International Student Prospectus. Contact IIPM to obtain details.


Student requested refunds

After a deposit or instalment payment is made the refund arrangements are as follows:

  • Refund requests must be in writing, signed and dated by the student, and delivered to IIPM in person, by fax or letter.

  • Once the refund request is received the refund arrangements that apply will be those that were agreed to and signed off on the Student Agreement.

  • No refunds will be made where a Student Default condition has occurred.

  • Refer to the IIPM Refund Policy here.


Institute delayed commencement, non-commencement, non-completion of delivery (Provider Default)

In the event that IIPM is unable to commence the course or deliver your course in full, you will be offered a refund by IIPM in respect of your enrolment.  The refund amount will be:

  • For delayed or non-commencement the initial fee payment and any instalment payments received by the Institute;

  • For non-completion of delivery any unspent pre‑paid fees received.


The refund will be paid to you within 14 days of the day on which IIPM defaults on the commencement or delivery of the course.

Alternatively, you may be offered enrolment in an alternative course by IIPM at no extra cost to you.  You have the right to choose whether you would prefer a refund as outlined above, or to accept a place in another course.  If you choose placement in another course, we will ask you to sign a document to indicate that you accept the placement in another course without payment of a refund.


Missed payments

Students who do not make instalment payments by the due date will be excluded from attendance and have their enrolment suspended for the lesser of one week or until the missed instalment payment is made.  If the missed instalment payment has not been made at the end of the one week suspension the student will have their enrolment cancelled.


Fee changes

Prior to a student enrolling fees may be altered without notice.  Once a student has completed enrolment, fees will not be subject to change for the normal duration of the course.  If a course length is extended by the student then any fee increases will be required to be paid for the extended component of the course.


Other information & conditions

Students must notify IIPM of changes of address, telephone number, email address and fax number within 7 days of the change. This is required so that students can be contacted and receive important information which may affect their course or their enrolment.

On commencement and at least every six months whilst you are enrolled at IIPM you will be asked to review and update your contact information with the Institute.


This written agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.


Statement of Attainment

Students are entitled, at no additional cost, to a formal Statement of Attainment on course withdrawal or cancellation, prior to completing the qualification, provided the student has paid in full for the tuition related to the units of competency to be shown on the Statement of Attainment.  Course testamurs (awards, statements of attainment, transcripts) will not be issued to students who are in breach of any part of the Student Agreement.


Assessment Attempts

Students are entitled to 2 assessment attempts for each unit. If the student is unsuccessful after 2 assessment attempts they will be required to repeat the unit and pay a repeat unit fee.






Visa Obligations
Info for Students
Student Welfare
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